Academic and vocational training are invaluable in today’s society and we do not discourage those pursuits. We will however offer academic and vocational training at little or not cost to those in the community that have the need and/or interest. In addition these academic and vocational pursuits will be accompanied with a strong background in God’s Word.
His Word is very clear on ‘wisdom’. He refers to His Word or His Commandments or His Statutes as ‘wisdom’. Many times are we commanded to get this ‘wisdom’. In fact He says “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”
The ‘understanding’ is natural wisdom or knowledge. So we are instructed to do both. But typically ‘wisdom’ and ‘understanding’ are separate and even mutually exclusive from each other.
To move toward correcting this SLVCC has filed with the state of Colorado a faith based facility known as the Colorado Training Institute. Much like a trade school,
CTI will emphasize secular vocational excellence but with a primary focus of true ‘wisdom’.
Again, this is not entirely unique but creates possibilities and a hope for the future of those participating as well as the prosperity and economic elevation of the entire valley.
If you’re wondering what the church is doing in the secular workplace; first recognize that the problem with the secular workplace is that the church has backed away from it. One area that will be emphasized in training is in the area of political science. Yes, politics. Again, the problem with government, politics and indeed our entire free enterprise system is that the church has seen these areas as ‘dirty’ and pulled back.
Is it the ‘dirt’ that caused us to pull back or is it ‘dirty’ because we pulled back? Whether the former, the latter or both, the problem cannot be fixed by ignoring it or proclaiming invectives at the TV screen and berating the nation’s leadership or the analysts who spin their follies into ‘news’.
It can only be fixed by putting godly men and women back into the secular arenas that we so long ago abandoned.
Granted, this mission or vision goes way beyond the small home meetings that mark the beginnings of a new fellowship. But it is great and grand visions that lead to great accomplishments. The Bible says that without a vision the people perish.
So like many noble outreaches today we seek to save the world. But our immediate view is to save this valley and this land we call ‘America the Beautiful’ that we all so dearly love.
If you’re wondering how ‘religion’ can do all this. It can’t.
But as a part of God’s Kingdom we, together, with God’s help, can.
And if you’re not sure if you belong to that Kingdom, or even qualify for it, then know that we all do (His Word says that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly) and say the short prayer below from your heart.
God, you know me better than I know myself. And You know that I have fallen short of Your righteousness. We all have. But You paid the price of Yourself that I might be set free. I receive that gift by faith now. I am saved, healed, delivered and born from above. I am a child of God and Joint Heir with Jesus Christ. You are now truly my Father and I commit the rest of my life…and beyond…to Your care in Jesus’ name. Now, baptize me, Father in your precious and powerful Holy Spirit and bless me with a prayer language that I might commune with You on a level beyond my own understanding. I pray and receive by faith in Jesus’ name. Thank You for Your unspeakable gift. Amen.
Contact us with your testimony and we will send you free of charge a packet of information to help you read your Bible and grow in grace and in the knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now find a Bible believing church and get involved. We’re praying for you and Jesus is interceding with the Father for you so don’t fear and don’t ever give up. Read the book of Jude (just before Revelation) verses 24 and 25.
If you agree with and are stirred with this mission and vision then pray.
If God leads you to partner with this ministry then we will partner with you…meaning that in God’s plan all that we accomplish through His Grace, you will be part and partner with.
There is no financial requirement to partnership…that is between you and God according to 1 Corinthians 16:2.
Your continued prayer is the heart of partnership. And you will constantly be in our prayers. Our expectation then is that you will be praying for us (3 John 2).
The Apostle Paul put it this way,
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace.”